Women Empowerment


Fighting gender discrimination is extremely challenging due to embedded cultural traditions that benefit patriarchal systems. Without gender equity, communities do not have the resources to overcome poverty. Women across the world have fewer opportunities and suffer from exponentially more rights violations simply because they are female. However, these exploitive traditions oppress half the world’s population, inhibiting women’s right to equality, education, and economic opportunity.

By working at the community level with local leadership, TCM Foundation is trying hard to integrate gender equity solutions that are culturally sensitive and benefit the entire community. TCM Foundation partner with local organizations provide opportunity for women in a variety of tested methods. These include: vocational skills and alternative livelihood options, community workshops, meeting, small group sessions on rights, reproductive health, gender sensitivity, leadership, life skills, literacy, empowerment, etc. TCM Shishuneers- community literacy set ups are the base to mobilize local community and have positive and trusted relationship with the local people, through the wellbeing of children TCM enters within families and gradually the overall community becomes its target group to work on gender sensitive approaches.


Garments Technical Training


TCM-KappAhl Training Center of TCM Foundation has been successful in providing a pool of skilled female workers to the garment industry which not only has had an impact on the productivity and quality of the output but also led to a positive cultural change within the industry. The main objectives of this training center included generating employment for female workers, building capacity of the garment industry by providing skilled workers and dissemination of best practices in the industry. Female workers trained from TCM-KappAhl Training Center are now enjoying a greater autonomy, independence, participation in household decision making, due to employment and income generation.


Life Skill Education


TCM Foundation offers underprivileged women and young girl’s life skill education and individual support through curricula on financial literacy and job skills education. TCM also offer mentoring/coaching support to empower women to apply curricula concepts into real life.

The women and young girls learn how to better manage their household finances, and increase their use of local financial services. They also received training on critical thinking, decision making, conflict resolution, communication & networking, peer group strength, community resource mobilization and so on. Financial literacy education combined with family communication and conflict resolution skills training enables women and young girls to navigate the family financial system and make sound financial decisions.

TCM Foundation work with community organizations, Local Government and other service providers to create opportunities for women to apply their knowledge and thus have a better life with freedom and respect.


Life Skill Training

Physical movement

Action Oriented Game



Performance Based skills

for adolescents


Awareness Sessions with Community Mothers on ...


Leadership Skill Development on ...


Adult Literacy


Women and girls in the developing world are often denied opportunities for education. The benefits of female education for women empowerment and gender equality are widely recognized- as female education rises, fertility, population growth, and infant and child mortality fall and family health improves. Lack of education limits prospects and puts women and girls at risk of trafficking and exploitation, and limits the economic advancement of entire countries. To empower them for a healthy and prosperous life, TCM Foundation constantly strive to make sure basic education accessible and qualitative for women & children who are in need.




In the developing world, 1 in 7 girls is married before her 15th birthday, with some child brides as young as 8 or 9. Each year more than 287,000 women, 99 percent of them in developing countries, die from pregnancy- and childbirth-related complications. While women make up more than 40 percent of the agriculture labor force only 3 to 20 percent are landholders. And despite representing half the global population, women comprise less than 20 percent of the world's legislators.

When women participate in civil society and politics, governments are more open, democratic and responsive to citizens. When women are at the negotiating table, peace agreements are more inclusive and durable. And simply by empowering women with the same access to land, new technologies and capital as men, we can increase crop yields by as much as 30 percent helping to feed a growing population.

TCM Foundation helps women participate in their own life decision making, improving family income, community levels social involvement as well as possess decision making roles in local government community investments.