Bangladesh Literacy Project (BLP)


Project Initiated by

  • Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
  • Ministry of Primary and Mass Education
  • Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE)


Project Implemented by

TCM Bangladesh



Project Summary

Subject Quantity (Men / Women) Description
Number of Centers 300 / 300 Each center has two shifts (Male and Female shift)
Number of Learners (Age: 15~45) 18 000 / 18 000 60 learners per center (30 Male & 30 Female)
Number of Teachers 600 / 600 Two teachers per center (1 Male/Female)
Number of Supervisors 15 / 15 One supervisor per 20 centers
Course Duration 6 months Each Phase
Budget 23 448 000 BDT
Duration 2 years July 2017 - June 2019


Geographical Areas Covered

  • Dohar
  • Nabaganj Upazilla
  • Dhaka District


Project Objectives

  • To provide Basic Literacy and Life Skills to 4.5 million illiterate adolescents and adults of 15-45 age group.
  • To contribute in eradication of illiteracy from the country as well as achieving global and national EFA goals as envisaged in NPA-II and the Sixth Five Year
  • To contribute in implementation of the National NFE Policy-2006 and the National Education Policy-2010.
  • To strengthen the capacity of BNFE and other agencies involved in Non-Formal Education, Plan.
  • To promote GO-NGO and community collaboration in NFE.
  • To develop primers in the mother tongue(s) of the ethnic groups for the learners of 3 hill districts.

Official Project Document can be found at this link